Waiting Room

Each Day With God


Have you ever sat in a waiting room?

Last week I sat in a quiet waiting room, alone, with only a few chairs. The lights were dim. I heard the sound of machines and nurses in the distance. I couldn’t just sit in the silence, so I began to write down in a notebook this blog post.  I am at peace because I serve God who is BIGGER than any test results. Yes, the future may be unknown but I know God won’t take us through more than we can handle. I know that He sees the BIG picture. He WILL supply All our needs. God makes us stronger through each experience in life that He allows us to go through. Do you feel like you are sitting in a waiting room? Unsure about what the future holds? Maybe you feel all alone?


You are NOT Alone! God IS in control. Trust Him COMPLETLY with your life. Don’t feel like you need to control everything but give it over to Him.